Chiropractic Services

Tangelo offers our chiropractic services in two convenient locations in Seattle, WA (Green Lake and West Seattle). Our chiropractors are dedicated to providing the ultimate in holistic care for bodies that need balance and support. 

We work with patients experiencing many symptoms and aches and pains, from chronic back discomfort due to an accident to sharp neck pain due to your workstation to dull elbow aches due to an athletic injury. We’ve seen pretty much everything, and we’ve helped. 

Let our chiropractic and rehabilitation teams get your body functioning as it was meant to. Your lifestyle matters; don’t let mild aches turn into debilitating pain. We have the comprehensive, natural solutions to turn your life around and get your body performing at its peak. 

Your First Experience With Tangelo

Your initial visit to any one of our four chiropractic offices will be slightly different from what you may think.


It’s essentially made up of four parts:

  • Talk with your doctor
  • Find the cause of your pain
  • Get the plan to stop the cause of your pain
  • Start the plan that will stop the cause of your pain
  • Get back to your happy, healthy life

Okay, five parts if you count that last one. 


Our office takes a hands-on approach to your recovery from the moment you enter our doors. Upon learning about your medical history, current pains and lifestyle, and health goals, we’ll learn what’s going on inside your body. This will be done through a physical exam and a series of tests. 

Once we know what’s causing your symptoms, we’ll discuss with you the best course of action and be sure you’re completely comfortable with what that entails. But, your visit isn’t over just yet. Unlike most chiropractors, we want to start your wellness journey right now. Have your comfy clothes on, and be prepared to put some effort in. 

Every visit will last an hour and will have a team-like approach, first working with our chiropractors for chiropractic treatment, then working with our rehabilitation specialists for some exercising and stretching. This generates faster results and builds strength, and our patients always leave smiling.  

We all share the same goal regarding your body’s well-being, so there’s no time like the present to start working toward that goal. Your plan will be safe, and free of medication and invasive procedures. We make it affordable, taking most insurances, as well as effective, using the body’s natural healing process for a speedy recovery and virtually no downtime

Why You Should Visit Our Tangelo Chiropractic Office

Our doctors have the education, experience, and dedication it takes to get your body healthy. We want to surpass all your wellness goals in the most natural and simplistic way. 

We don’t believe in masking pain, but finding its cause and creating a solution. Offering a variety of chiropractic techniques that encourage balance in mind, body, and soul, let’s find you a plan you’re confident in. 

If you’re feeling any of the following symptoms at any level of severity, we invite you to come in and start the healing process:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Pinched nerves
  • Slipped disc
  • Joint pain
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Disc bulges or protrusions
  • Loss of range of motion, flexibility, or mobility
  • Tight muscles
  • Stiff muscles

We can effectively and organically remedy several pains at their core with our responsible methods for your body’s needs.

Tangelo’s Common Chiropractic Services 

Body injuries and irregularities come in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes a car accident is to blame; sometimes, it’s a fall, sometimes you hurt yourself working out. However, more often, it’s not a violent or aggressive action that causes us pain. It’s the little repetitive movements or the bad posture or the daily computer work that sneaks up on us. 

We’re continuously using our muscles, joints, and ligaments, so when we habitually misuse them, they are bound to reach out to us for help. The help is asked for by producing pain or discomfort, which tells us something is wrong. It’s critical to acknowledge the ailment, so it doesn’t spread and worsen. 

In many cases, if you don’t properly treat the cause of your pain, more pressure and stress is applied to other areas of the body to compensate for those that are lacking. When this happens, the unharmed areas are compromised because they aren’t made to support the extra load and are now at risk of harm themselves. 

Our chiropractic care teams have several resources to help manage your pain, however you got it and whatever the severity, before it takes hold of your life. And if it already has taken hold of your life, we have you covered, too. We will get your body parts working together, talking to each other, and finding balance.


Chiropractic Adjustments

These spinal manipulations take only a small amount of pressure to the joint that’s causing discomfort through a targeted quick, controlled manual thrust, often offering the patient immediate relief from pain and restoring mobility. Adjustments can be applied to the back, neck, shoulders, and other parts of the body, such as hands and ankles. 


The Graston Technique

Using tools designed to aid in chiropractic care, these instruments break down scar tissue with much more immediacy and intention than hands alone. We will work through the tissues in order to restore soft tissue mobilization and help your body regain its proper function.


Active Release Technique (ART)

A non-invasive solution designed to locate and resolve soft tissue problems, it will effectively break down scar tissue that’s formed in the muscles and tissues, causing pain and loss of range of motion, restoring proper function. 


Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

This test assesses movement patterns in patients experiencing musculoskeletal pain based on seven full-body movements to determine the best treatment options. 


Kinesiology Taping

This is a specialty tape that is applied to hurting or aching muscles. It will help lift the skin, providing better blood flow, carrying oxygen to the muscles. This support will also ensure the muscles have time to rest and rebuild strength. 



Handheld cups are placed on the skin and create suction; this technique eases tension and pain by lifting the skin and tissues and increasing blood flow through the body and to the muscles and areas that need it. 


Functional Rehabilitation Therapy

We will design exercises and stretches specific to your wellness goals and abilities, performing them with us in our office and on your own at your home. We often include personalized emails with videos created by our doctors for your convenience. We find that rehabilitation therapy and chiropractic care work well together and provide a quicker, safer recovery.


Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression provides safe, non-invasive and effective treatment for chronic back and neck pain. Spinal decompression treatment is designed to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves and spinal cord by gently stretching and decompressing the spine. This non-invasive and painless procedure has proven to be highly effective in treating various spinal conditions such as herniated discs, disc degeneration, sciatica, and pinched nerves.


In addition to these chiropractic solutions and rehabilitation therapies, our chiropractic team will go over other body-care basics for you to utilize on a daily basis, such as: 

  • Proper exercising modifications to support your body’s capabilities 
  • Appropriate sleeping positions
  • Benefiting stretches
  • Mobility and flexibility exercises
  • Postural and strengthening exercises
  • Desk and driving ergonomics

Naturally Meeting Your Health Goals

If you’re in pain, we want to see you. You don’t have to be an athlete to work with our chiropractors; our offices are intended for all who wish to enjoy a healthy life and get there holistically. Our vibrant spaces are extensions of who we are as a team: high energy and ready to get you healthy, fast. Our comprehensive, non-invasive techniques will do it. 

Let’s get you a thorough functional assessment, find out what you’re missing out on due to your body’s impairment and what your ultimate goals are, and then let’s crush those goals. Our safe, natural solutions are all you need to start truly living your life. 

Call our West Seattle or Green Lake office soon, so we can stop talking and start doing. 


We have some pretty great patients who’ve had some pretty incredible experiences with us. Read about them below, and then make your appointment at any of our four locations. 

“When I probably should have gone to the hospital for my back in early 2017, I went to Tangelo. 

I have been dealing with the same back issue since 2009. About once a year, at no particular time, my back would give out and sciatica would set in. Sometimes for a few days. Sometimes for a few weeks. I had seen physical therapists, chiropractors, ER doctors–you name it–in New York and San Francisco whenever my herniated disc flared up. And the issue became something I just accepted and dealt with whenever the time came. And then, after having been in Seattle for only a few months, it happened again. 

Having the benefit (and privilege) of being engrained in the Seattle fitness community since moving, I received multiple referrals to Tangelo. So that’s where I turned. Sean and Dr. Krysann–and their entire team–welcomed me with open arms. They made me feel safe and ultimately, THEY FIXED ME. They hold me accountable and check in with me every step along the way. They gave me the tools and treatment I needed to stay symptom free. By no means was it a linear path and by no means is my journey complete. But I know that as long as I have Tangelo on my team, I will be successful. 


Whether you have an extreme injury or a mild symptom, you will benefit from this incredible team. I’m beyond grateful to be part of the Tangelo community.”

Camilla D. // Portland, OR


“Dr. Christine and all the staff are absolutely amazing!! I personally worked with dr. Christine and my injuries were to the point where I was unable to sit comfortably, walk, run and just go through everyday life. I am an athlete and so this was extremely scary that I may not be able to do the things i love without discomfort and pain. Dr. Christine saw my injuries, she gave me a break down of what my body is doing and the areas that need work. She worked on them and gave me corrective exercises and movements to do to help me continue to workout and live life and progressively recover from them. I have plantar fasciitis and I thought my life was over from the pain. Through my visits with Her I am currently seeing everyday the pain going away and I’m strengthening the areas needed. It’s a game changer and life changer. I 100% recommend going to Tangelo!!”

– Jordan T. // Portland, OR

